Chloe Jean Teh

Green Market Segment- Cannabis and Driving - Why our drug driving laws need to change

A Talk by Chloe Jean Teh (Director, PlantMed)

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About this Talk

Australian medical cannabis patients are subject to some of the most unfair driving laws in the world. Outdated draconian roadside drug testing in Australia does not test for impairment but for traces of THC.

This is the simple biggest hurdle for medical cannabis to reach more patients in need and the single biggest headache for existing patients.

In this video, we travel to the Nimbin MardiGrass Protest Festival and film a roadside drug test and talk to a broad scale of patients affected by the unfair laws.

28 October 2022, 04:40 AM

04:40 AM - 05:10 AM

About The Speakers

Chloe Jean Teh

Chloe Jean Teh

Director, PlantMed

Chloe Jean Teh is the Director, Senior Practice Manager and Patient Care Coordinator of PlantMed Medical Cannabis Clinics. Chloe is passionate about providing a high-quality service and experience for all PlantMed patients.